The Key Benefits of Having Your Own Garden Gym

Experts recommend that we exercise at least 3 times per week. Most people struggle to exercise due to the fast pace of modern life and other constraints like time, money and social obligations. Yet, staying active is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

People join expensive gyms to get into an exercise routine. There’s an alternative: you can transform your garden into your perfect exercise space. Modern Garden Rooms understands that not all gardens office pod are created garden rooms equal. We offer five beautiful, architecturally designed garden office structures that can be customized garden offices to your needs and garden gyms preferences.

Here are some top reasons you should give it a try:


Are you embarrassed by public exercise? You are not the only one. Many people find the idea of sharing changing rooms and being in a crowd unappealing.

A garden gym offers privacy that is unmatched. Training can be a joy and not a chore when you exercise in the privacy of your own home. You can focus your energy on what is most important, and not the distractions and worries of a gym.


It is absurd to waste time driving to and from a gym. Many people consider exercise to be a waste of time.

A garden gym is a great option because you don’t have to leave your home! You can easily access your garden gym from anywhere in the world. Training becomes much easier and more enjoyable. You don’t have to worry about opening times. Your garden gym is available 24/7.

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Save Money

Memberships to a gym are not cheap. Some people even spend thousands of dollars on their gym memberships. Subscriptions can cost hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars per year.

Once you have incurred the initial costs of building and installing the equipment, a garden gym will immediately pay for itself. It is easy to maintain, your family can use it (saved additional gym fees), as well as the potential increase in property value. You’ll save your bank balance and your health by working out every day for a few years.

It is yours

Many people remain nervous about exercising in a commercial gym, despite the possibility that lockdown restrictions will be lifted. Everyone has a mental image of someone we don’t want to exercise with. You can avoid this by having your own private gym.

This problem can also be solved by setting up a home gym. What if you don’t have privacy? You can have your own space, and you are separated from the people who live next door. You can store equipment away from children and work out without the need to worry about being judged by neighbours.

The materials we use to make our garden rooms have excellent sound insulation. You can enjoy your music and not worry about annoying your neighbors.

It’s a very convenient feature

A garden gym allows you to work out when you want and in any way you like. You can even do it from your backyard!

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You will also be able to forget about planning your trip to the gym. It’s possible to put the commute time you spent on the road to better use. You won’t have to unpack and pack your stuff constantly because everything is in one place.