Tips for Sewer- and Drainage Line Cleaning

Plumbers are trained to maintain and clean all plumbing in a house. Although a plumber can handle drainage line cleaning, you probably aren’t one.

It can seem daunting for those who don’t have the right training to handle plumbing. The sewer lines are very long and all the waste and water we flush down them is emitted. It is time to get rid of drains that make strange or unpleasant sounds.

Drainage Line Cleaning
All drains run to your house’s sewer system. Each drain, regardless of whether it is located in a toilet, sink, or shower, connects to the main sewer line that runs out of your home. These lines are known as laterals and run to either a main or sewer main.

Buy a Snake
Snakes are inexpensive and easy to use. A snake can easily be used to remove minor clogs in your home. Snakes are augers that are inserted into drain lines and then cut through or twist through clogs.

Vinegar and Baking Soda
Baking soda and vinegar are a common cleaner that many people use to clean their cars. Mixing these two ingredients will cause a chemical reaction that causes foam to form and bubbles. Baking soda will create bubbles that help to remove grease from the pipes.

Flush Your Lines
You can flush your lines with water if you don’t have a clog. You can also use a small amount of drain cleaning to clean the water. This is an excellent place to do it, since the toilet allows for a lot more water and cleaner to be able to go down together.

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Preventative Cleaning
It doesn’t take a lot of effort to clean your sewer lines. Every month, add baking soda to your sewer lines. This will clean the pipes and prevent future problems. This can be done with citrus-based cleaners.

Drain cleaners are a great option
Abrasive chemicals can cause pipe damage. You can flush your drains with cleaners a few times per year. You should not use too much water, or flush any other drains while doing this.

Many homeowners don’t pay much attention to their sewer lines. They are invisible to the eye as long as they work properly. It can be costly to hire someone to clean up if a problem occurs.