Tips to keep your plants healthy

Indoor and outdoor plants are beautiful additions to any decor. Plants are easy to care for and can thrive if given the right care. You can learn how to properly care for indoor and outdoor plants by reading Step One. The plantscraze who can provide one-stop solutions to all your questions.

Care for houseplants

Make sure your plants get plenty of sunlight. A lack of light is a major concern for house plants. Although it may look great, keeping your plants on a side-table or in your living area may be detrimental to their health. Find out the sun requirements of your plant and then move it to a spot that meets those requirements. Remember that windows on the south side of your home will get the most sunlight, and windows on the north side will not. These are the basic guidelines for sunshine:

  • Plants that require ‘full sun’ should be located where there is at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
  • Plants that require ‘partial sunshine’ should be located where there is at least 2 hours of direct sunlight per day.
  • Shade-loving plants should be located in an area that receives at least 1 hour of direct sun per day.

Regularly water your plants.

It can be difficult to get the right amount of water for houseplants. Too much water will cause root rot and poor drainage. But too little water will dry them out. Plants will require different amounts of water. Some plants like to be wet constantly, while others like succulents and cacti only need to be watered once a week. Most plants can be watered 2-3 times per week. You can use a spray bottle, or small watering container to water the soil.

  • To test how wet the soil is, stick your finger into it up to your 2nd finger. If your finger returns dry, water the plant. You can wait a few days to water your plant if it is still wet.
  • Use warm water to water your plants. Cold water can shock roots and cause injury.
  • Your plants should be given a deep watering once a month. Let the water run over them and place them in the sink. This will prevent salts from building up at the soil’s surface.
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Fertilize your plants every few week.

Fertilizer provides nutrients to plants. Because indoor plants don’t have organic matter added to them naturally, fertilizing them every 2-3 weeks is crucial. Many fertilizers have a 3-number series such as 10-20-10. These numbers indicate the amount of fertilizer’s nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Each plant needs different amounts of these minerals so the type of fertilizer that you should use will differ. For most plants, a’middle-ground’ fertilizer like a 6-12-6 or 10-10-10 should suffice.

  • According to the instructions on the package, spray or sprinkle fertilizer directly on top of soil.
  • You can mix liquid fertilizers with water in your watering container. Simply water your plants to apply the liquid fertilizer.
  • It is not necessary to add fertilizer to the potted soil. The fertilizer will dissolve and blend into the soil over time.

Get rid of all dust from your plants.

Over time, dust can build up on indoor plants. Dust can reduce the plant’s natural beauty and make it difficult for them to grow. It is therefore important to remove any dust that you see on a regular basis. There are two options depending on the size of the plant: either wipe them with a cloth or rinse them under running water. To clean your plants, you can mix warm water and a little dish soap or plant soap. Dip a clean cloth into the mixture, then wipe the leaves down with a damp cloth. Run them under water. To rinse the leaves, heat some water in a sink.

  • For smaller plants, it is best to rinse your plant under running water. However, don’t pour too much water in the pot.
  • There are many brands of plant sprays that you can buy to clean your plants.
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Your plant should be moved away from any air vents. House moisture levels tend to be lower than those outside. Houseplants can become dry from lack of humidity. While regular watering can prevent this from happening, it is a much more serious problem when indoor plants are placed near vents. The constant airflow, regardless of whether the heater is running or the conditioner is working, will dry the leaves and cause them to drop off. This problem can be solved by moving the plants away from any ventilation. To add moisture to the room, you can place a humidifier in your decor.